Cupar’s 20-minute neighbourhood

CuparNow has a combined digital audience of more than 80,000 followers, readers, listeners and viewers – and the majority live within an hour’s drive time of the town. In our recent annual report, we published a map (this article’s feature image) that shows the town’s 20-minute neighbourhood. Many is this area rely on Cupar for their shopping, services, primary health and social care provision, education and more.

This time last year, we invited a group of Dundee University students to the town who are studying Urban Planning. One of those students, Petra Surplus, has been back in touch and – with the support of Sustainable Cupar – is seeking your help in her ongoing studies …

Petra is writing a dissertation that includes a focus on sustainable transport. Sustainable Cupar is asking for your input by completing a short survey – the link is below.

A note from Petra …

My name is Petra Surplus, and I am a 4th year, undergraduate student at the University of Dundee, studying Urban Planning. I am currently undertaking my dissertation which is focusing on 20-minute neighbourhoods – a concept that analyses people’s day to day journeys and gains an understanding on whether they can access their everyday needs within a 20-minute return journey, through the use of sustainable transport – walking, wheeling, cycling, public transport.

The focus area of my dissertation is Cupar, St. Andrews and their surrounding rural areas.

I am trying to understand whether these surrounding rural areas are affected positively by being in close proximity to these functional urban 20-minute neighbourhoods.

The survey looks at people’s day to day journeys and where they access their everyday needs. By filling out this short, 10 minute survey, it will help to understand whether Cupar and St. Andrews are functional, urban 20-minute neighbourhoods, and if they help to benefit the surrounding rural areas.


Survey link:


So if you live in and around Cupar, please take part to help. The town’s catchment encompasses close to 60 communities – more or less mirroring the catchment of Bell Baxter High School. The map (below) shows the locations where many of CuparNow’s audience live.

For those who love their history, the red dotted line on the map is the boundary of Cupar’s medieval ‘liberty’ – an area where all produce grown or made within that boundary had to be sold in Cupar’s markets. After more than 500 years, the town’s influence as a centre for business, culture, education, healthcare and more has changed little.

We will keep in touch with Petra and hope to report back on her findings in the future.

The students who visited from Dundee are presenting their ideas on Cupar to the Community Council on Tuesday 28th February: again, we hope to share an update on that presentation too.


Thanks for reading!