CuparNow KnowHow – Calder Houston
We enjoy showcasing the talents of businesses and individuals across Cupar in our ‘KnowHow’ series – and our latest is guitar tutor, Calder Houston.
Calder is a 21 year old professional guitarist. We asked him to explain a little about his background: “I have earned a First Class BMus (Hons) Music degree, worked as a session musician and have performed with a number of different acts.” He adds: “I have been teaching guitar, music theory and improvisation for the past 2 years!”
How did he get into teaching? “I was asked by family friends if I could teach them or their children guitar. It progressed from there … and I am now teaching 15 students.”
He offers guitar lessons across Fife and Edinburgh and explains his passion, saying: “The guitar has always been in my life and now I want to share it with others.”
He has joined the local wedding band Scoonie Brae as guitarist and explains how this compliments his teaching business, saying: “I am constantly learning new songs and developing my own skills on the guitar that I can share with my students.”
Calder has just completed his degree and that also helps his teaching: “I’m aware of and understand modern methods of learning the guitar which rapidly accelerates my students’ rate of progress. As a professional guitarist, I am aware of what is essential for my students to learn if they want to be in the industry.”
He sees his first class degree as his greatest achievement: “It is proof to me and others that I am a musician of a very high standard.” And now students across Fife are benefiting from his know-how. Passing his driving test has been a boost for his business: “It allows me to travel to students’ houses so I can teach them in their own home!”
Finally, we ask all featuring on our Blog what they would recommend to someone visiting Cupar for the first time, or for the first time in a long time? “Cutting Edge Hair Salon on Bonnygate for a great haircut!”
Need more?
You can email Calder using this link or call him on 07397182796.
Thanks for reading!