Another ‘dementia friendly’ gold star!

Staff at Age Concern in Cupar are the latest in the town to be given the Dementia Friendly Fife Award. The programme – run by the Health & Social Care Partnership in Fife – is designed to help businesses and organisations become recognised as friendly destinations for those affected by dementia.

Our featured image shows Anne Ronaldson (second left) and her team with their awards following their training session delivered by Ruth McCabe. Ruth says: “Nationwide were the first business in Cupar to undergo the training and receive their award – and we’re delighted Age Concern have now been recognised.

PLM Optometrists on Crossgate are another business working towards the award – and Ruth is keen to encourage more businesses to come forward.

On Age Concern, Ruth says: “Their premises have recently been refurbished so they didn’t need to make any physical changes to their space to become dementia friendly. Around a third of the people they support have a diagnosis of dementia so they were already aware of what was needed.” She adds: “The main piece of work they had to do was to become dementia friends and they did this by getting involved in the hour long face-to-face training session.

Pictured in our feature image with Anne Ronaldson (second left) are Evelyn Ritchie (left), Skye McParland (second right) and Lisa Smart (right).

Need more?

If you require any further information or would like your business or organisation to take advantage of this training opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact Ruth via

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