Free Concert for Cupar

St James the Great Episcopal Church on Cupar’s St Catherine Street is hosting its first Market Concert on Saturday 15 February to coincide with the monthly Cupar Market on Crossgate.

The concert will be performed by the Hepburn Four, a quartet of outstanding choral scholars from the University of St Andrews, whose programme will include a variety of early polyphony, English part songs and arrangements of Scots songs, culminating with Dougie MacLean’s popular ballad Caledonia.

The Rev Sarah Miller, Rector of St James Episcopal Church is excited at the prospect: “As we seek ways to reach out and welcome more people into our beautiful church, the monthly market, so close by, seemed an ideal opportunity. To have young singers of such quality coming to perform for us is a real treat and we look forward to extending our hospitality to the community.

Times and more …

The concert will begin at 1200 and last for approximately 35 minutes. Following the concert, tea, coffee and home baking will be served.

Entrance to the concert is free with a retiring collection. All are welcome.

The four members of the Hepburn Four are Emily Kemp (soprano), Harriet Carlill (alto), Seb Roberts (tenor) and Guy Minch (bass), all of whom are undergraduate choral scholarship holders at the University of St Andrews and members of St Salvator’s Chapel Choir.


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