The following is the report we have received from James Hair, Chair of ABCD, for the Association’s 2024 AGM.

Good evening and welcome to all those who have taken the time to attend the Association’s 2024 AGM ...”

Since our last AGM in 2022 there are three areas where the Association has been active:

  1. Cupar North
    1. We have continued to engage with the developers, Persimmon, seeking to ensure that this proposal delivers in particular developable employment land, something which Cupar currently lacks.
  2. CuparNow
    1. We have continued to engage with and support CuparNow wherever we can. It never fails to amaze me how many businesses in Cupar and District have failed to take the opportunity to promote themselves and their products on CuparNow’s channels.
    2. The initial five year period of CuparNow’s offering comes to an end on 31 March 2025. Discussions have been ongoing for consideration of the continuation for another five years from 1 April 2025. The current Steering Group (that oversees CuparNow’s delivery – made up of business owners/managers in town as well as elected and officer representatives from Fife Council togetehr with a seat for Bell Baxter High School) has requested that, in the event of CuparNow continuing, ABCD would appoint business representatives to act on the Steering Committee. Enthusiastic modern media specialists are sought to join ABCD’s committee to take on that role!
  3. Rates
    1. In Spring 2023, we ran a short seminar one morning to brief owners on the changes introduced with the notification of new RV’s for all business premises effective 1 April 2023. Sadly, our presenter that morning Jim Honeyman of Graham & Sibbald/DM Hall has recently passed away after a fight with cancer.

Committee Members

The greatest challenge facing the Association is finding members willing to fill places on the committee. One cannot underestimate the importance of maintaining an active business association. Having been on the committee since the Association was formed in 2004 it does feel as if it is time for me to step back.

I ask anyone who is interested to please come forward. It is not a hugely onerous task – 3 to 4 meetings per annum, with occasional ad hoc jobs.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who have contributed with the Associations activities over the last two and a bit years.

James Hair

16th September 2024


Thank you for reading.

