Cupar’s Market!

We are delighted to confirm that a new Cupar market will be in place from Saturday 17th June and – if all goes to plan – it will return every 3rd Saturday in future months.

Markets Between Two Firths has been set up by Elaine Patullo to help deliver Cupar’s market – as well as other market opportunities in Fife.

When it was announced that Fife Farmers Market had closed, the overwhelming response was from those calling for a market to return. Elaine says: “I have been working closely with those interested. It is very much my hope that the market will focus on producers and creatives based within Fife.

The market will still be on Crossgate and Elaine has been liaising with all authorities to ensure that can happen.

The new set-up is “open to all”. Elaine is keen to stress: “There is no exclusivity for the type of products sold at the Markets although effort will be made to ensure any duplication of products is kept to a minimum.

Saturday 17th June will be the first – to run from 10am until 2pm. This is slightly later that the market’s forerunner and is based on research that Elaine has undertaken as well as her experience of involvement with markets. She says: “The later start is designed to help those who wish to attend as stall holders but, primarily, for the benefit of visitors.” She adds: “By starting at 10 and finishing at 2, we hope it will provide a greater and easier opportunity for people to visit the market at their leisure … and then to explore the town itself.


Pitch perfect …

The market is looking to work with existing producers and creatives who are used to exhibiting at markets and shows. Elaine explains: “Stallholders will be hiring at outdoor ‘pitch’ – 3m x 3m in size – and they can set up their own gazebo and trading area within that allocated space.”  That ‘set up ‘ will be from 0830 on the Saturday – and all will be dismantled and cleared by 1530.


The small print …

Each 3m x 3m market pitch will be £60.00 – payable in advance to Markets Between Two Firths. Electricity can be provided to those stalls who need power at an additional charge of £10.00 per pitch. Stallholders must state (at the time of booking) the equipment they intend to bring and the power rating/wattage; they must also provide current PAT testing documentation related to the equipment.

To comply with GDPR legislation, all stallholders must complete the Markets Between Two Firths’ application form (just click on the image below) and provide insurance, food pass and hygiene certificates.

In addition, all stallholder risk assessments must include gazebo setup and dismantling.

Once ready, stallholders send all of their documents together with a maximum of four photos showing their produce and stall set-up to this email link. Elaine says: “We will then contact you to discuss your application and to give you information about market date availability, and how to book and pay.


They are hiring …

July, August and beyond …

Elaine is working through all that’s required for the first market in June – and that includes the creation and launch of a new website where more information will be published and available. Anyone interested in markets beyond the first in June are asked to get in touch by email – and you can do so via this link.


Gazebos …

Perhaps the most obvious difference will be the need for stallholders to have their own stand/stall within their 3m x 3m pitch. Elaine is keen for all to have covered gazebos and these can be bought from a variety of outlets. In Cupar, we know Caulders Garden Centre and B&M both sell such gazebos from time to time, so – if you are looking for one – please support our local businesses wherever possible!


Community support …

CuparNow has sponsored community stalls at the markets in Cupar through 2022 and up until the April market of this year. There was no May market owing to the closure of the operator. We are now liaising with Elaine over how community stalls can become a fixture at the Cupar market ongoing and we will announce more on this shortly.


Need more?

You can email Elaine via this link. Follow their Facebook page for future updates.


Thanks for reading!