CuparNow KnowHow – Nurture Steps

Nurture Steps – operating from their new HQ at Westport Business Centre in Cupar – works with families of children (aged 0-5) who are seeking an assessment of social communication or interaction difficulties, or who already have a diagnosis of a social communication disorder such as Autism. The charity delivers “early intervention and positive behavioural support” and we caught up with them to discover more …

The families supported by Nurture Steps may already be involved with a range of support: from community paediatricians and child development centres to speech/language therapists.

The focus is on families living in and around Cupar, Fife or Dundee with their aim “to expand our services to help as many families as possible“.

Founded in July 2021, Nurture Steps was born out of the “immeasurable passion” of its CEO, Suzie Repova. Whilst working with many families it became apparent there is insufficient access to services, long waiting times and sometimes a rigid framework that both families and professionals can become ensnared in. These factors and the costs that can be linked to support have a tendency to cause mental health struggles in the long term for children and parents alike.

After much reflection, Suzie – with personal experience as a foster parent – surmised that Early Intervention before children begin school is imperative. In many cases, the parents of a neurodivergent child recognise something is not quite right but their concerns are dismissed or there is not enough individualised support.

The number of children with additional support needs is rising (Scottish Children Services Coalition). In Fife, there are 790 children with additional support needs in early childcare yet only 270 children have a support plan. The trends are changing as more families articulate the need for change.


In essence, Nurture Step can provide a service that is missing from the established framework. “Nurture Steps works by putting the child and their individual needs at the centre of the support and does not use a ‘one size fits all’ approach“.


Who is behind Nurture Steps?

A “small and dedicated team with a wonderful board and volunteers“. As a starting charity, “we are always on a look out for volunteers – experienced bookkeepers, social media  & clinical director“.


Big plans for little ones …

We go the extra mile to help children flourish and aid them in developing their basic yet vital skills.

Nurture Steps focuses on enabling children and families to learn developmentally appropriate skills such as:

  • Communication
  • Play
  • Self-help
  • Behaviour
  • Interaction
  • Transitions
  • Social Functioning
  • Attention and Emotional support

They believe that every behaviour is communication: “We go above and beyond to find the roots of troubling behaviour and then support the whole family with behavioural strategies and interventions professionally tailored to the individual child.

Nurture Steps provides secondary tier targeted services, including:

  • Preparing children for primary school
  • Giving parents guidance & tools to understand and support their children
  • Triage upon request of services
  • Skill assessments through reporting & observations (individually, with family and in a group)
  • Development of individualised evidence-based plan, support & intervention
  • Collaborative working with other specialists

Their services have been shown to:

  • help parental mental health through reduced stress and anxiety about their child through the progress their child makes and a better understanding of their child
  • reduce Local Authority cost and NHS cost in the long term
  • reduce the number of children admitted to residential care and 2-1 long-term support
  • reduction in medicalisation for sleep problems and behaviour difficulties

Finally, we asked what Nurture Steps would recommend to anyone visiting Cupar for the first time … or for the first time in a long time: “The community spirit is very strong in Cupar. A wee message on a local notice board garners so much support and helpful advice, it really is a gem of a community.


Need more?

You can contact Nurture Steps via their website. They are also on Facebook and Instagram.  They have an online contact form via this link.


Thanks for reading!