Platinum Jubilee Quiz – Part 5

We thought it would be fun to have a quiz to help us celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. In fact, we’ve ended up with six quizzes in total! When you are at the park, look for the Quiz QR codes. You’ll find one at the bandstand and the remaining at five dress displays.

We are very grateful to Fiona Dewar and Mairi Lumsden who have been instrumental in the small army of volunteers to help deliver the Picnic in The Park event. Mairi has created this section of the quiz for us to share.

It is just for fun, no prizes … just the satisfaction of knowing you are a great quizzer! They’ve been put together with the best knowledge that they are true to fact.

The Pink Shower Curtain Dress

Day to day things and just how eco-friendly are they?

  1. What is usually more eco-friendly – taking a bath or having a shower?
  2. How many litres does it roughly take to flush a toilet?
  3. Is bleach good for the environment ?
  4. What ingredients can you use instead of bleach for a more eco-friendly product?
  5. What is the chemical symbol for bleach?
  6. What is the chemical symbol for water and what does it mean?
  7. How long does a shower curtain take to decompose?
  8. In what two ways can environmentally unfriendly shampoo damage the environment?
  9. What is dental floss made from?
  10. How long does dental floss take to decompose?

We will post the answers to these questions via this page after the Jubilee event – so check back to see how you have done!


Thanks for having a go!