Renewing Your Business’ Energy Tariff

Calling all local businesses and organisations! When your energy deal comes to an end, what should you do? You will have heard about the cost of energy rising – for both residential and commercial customers. We’ve been speaking with our partner, eyebright, to get their thoughts on the current market and we asked them for advice that we could share on achieving the best renewal price …

The rising costs of energy – and their impact on inflation and increasing prices across the board – is making the news. Only this week, a Which? report has been published and covered in The Times, showing that – this year – people across Scotland will spend an extra £1,100 a year on their food and energy compared with March 2020 prices. The annual Consumers in Scotland report by Which? found that 86% of people are worried about energy prices – up from 59% last year.

Our catch up with eyebright was timely as they’ve recently published an article on renewing your business energy: you can read it via this link. The leading utilities management company based in Glasgow told us that they expect energy prices “to remain elevated for some considerable time“. So the key for businesses is to plan for the implications well in advance.

Cupar company, Fishers – on the trading estate – use eyebright’s services. They say: “We find working with eyebright refreshing. A proactive professional approach whilst caring about our business and our energy strategy.

Get in touch …

Feel free to get in touch with them direct: you can contact Michael Dogan, their consultant working with towns and cities across the country via this email link – or call 0141 530 4152.


Beyond energy …

If you’re looking to save money, eyebright can assess your business’ water and telecoms costs too. Many businesses are often overpaying for these services, but eyebright can help review your commercial energy, water, telecoms, broadband and chip and pin contracts.


Thanks for reading.