News from Sustainable Cupar
This Blog features a click-through to a newsletter from Susatinable Cupar, the local charity that works to raise awareness of green issues and to promote and support changes to more sustainable lifestyles …
In their November 2020 newsletter:
- Owlet Wood
- Spaces for people
- Gleaning network
- Members? Zoom meeting
- Reekie roundabout design Scotland?s countdown to COP26 OSCR
- Community Orchard
- FAB report
- Safe Cycling Connections Cupar
To read the full newsletter, just click on the image below to open …
We’d like to thank Jim McLeish, Secretary for Sustainable Cupar, for sharing this update.
Please share with any friends, family or colleague who may be interested.
Need more?
Sustainable Cupar is a local community group set up in 2009 to help Cupar become “a thriving, environmentally friendly town”. Sustainable Cupar was incorporated as a SCIO in 2011. The charity has a board of trustees and many other members who regularly attend meetings. All members are invited to attend the main group meetings or any of the sub-group meetings and events.
The group aims to raise awareness of green issues and to promote and support changes to more sustainable lifestyles. The charity has sub-groups that concentrate on different themes:
- Local fruit growing (FAB)
- Town development (planning and infrastructure)
- Town group
Quarterly online meetings are held for members – with guest speakers. The charity is planning more face to face member involvement when it becomes safe to do so. Sustainable Cupar is open to all local people with an interest in the future of our town – and they are always keen to welcome new members. If you are interested in joining, please get in touch via their website.
Thanks for reading.