Help to shape our town

Cupar Development Trust (CDT) is the community development trust not just for Cupar but for the whole catchment area of Bell Baxter High School and its feeder primary schools … and they are looking for volunteers to join their board!

At its quarterly board meeting in late October, CDT’s Board resolved to recruit up to three new members, to be put forward for election at CDT’s Annual General Meeting, to be held by Zoom at 6pm on Tuesday 1st December 2020.

Candidates should have a genuine interest and, ideally, experience in one or more of:

  1. Development planning
  2. Community planning
  3. Local and national heritage
  4. Urban dereliction
  5. Greening of towns & villages
  6. The arts

CDT’s Board Members think strategically about the needs of Cupar & District.? Individual board members with particular interests may lead individual projects or represent CDT on the committees and working groups of other organisations.

Board meetings are held quarterly. The work of the trust is described on their website.



Recommendations of suitable candidates, and expressions of interest, should be sent by email to the CDT Chair, Bill Pagan.