New Ambassador for CuparNow

We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Brand Ambassador who will be visiting businesses across the town as restrictions ease and more re-open …

Simon Baldwin, director of Destination Digital, the company delivering CuparNow, explains: ‘A key part of our support for businesses is our face to face visits. Naturally, these were put on hold at the end of March – but we are now ready to restart.

Simon adds: ‘Our previous ambassador – Sally Fraser, who was with us since the beginning – has moved on to pastures new and we wish her well. Knowing Sally’s plans, we started the recruitment process at the start of this year – and we’re delighted to have found our new ambassador.

Karen Rubidge has already started in her new role. Born in Edinburgh, Karen has spent much of her life in South Africa before returning to Scotland in 2016. A year later, she and her family moved to Cupar.

Karen says: ‘I love this town and I very much look forward to working with the CuparNow team to help support businesses over the coming weeks and months.‘ She has a medical background and spent many years in sales and marketing – and still has a business in South Africa which she runs from her home in Cupar, saying: ‘It is all possible through the wonders of the internet!

Simon says: ‘The lockdown has been a very tough time for so many. We have continued to support all through managed digital communication resulting in our audience growing significantly since March as people have turned to us to find what’s available in the town.‘ He adds: ‘The coming weeks will be crucial. We are engaging with businesses as they open to best understand their needs – and we will do all we can to support them.


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