CuparNow PowWow
As the town’s Digital Improvement District, we’re delivering all manner of support for our town’s businesses, organisations and community groups. As we come through the Covid-19 lockdown, we want to make sure all have the help needed to make the very most of digital channels to best promote all that is on offer. So our next CuparNow PowWow is offering 1-2-1 sessions on how to make the most of Facebook …
Why is it being delivered?
Facebook is a great channel to interact with customers – at home and abroad: since CuparNow launched, we’ve demonstrated how a managed approach can grow an engaged audience. More than 4,000 people now follow us on Facebook. Our latest PowWow is for businesses/organisations contributing to the CuparNow Digital Improvement District. If you’re not sure of your eligibility, please email us with your details and we’ll get back in touch as soon as possible.
Who will benefit?
Whether you have a Facebook page for your business or organisation – or you’re thinking of creating one – we’ll be able to help. Our support will range from an honest review of your current position to helping you set up a new page.
Where will it be held?
We’re still in lockdown: we were planning to host an online presentation – but we’re aware many businesses are now in the process of planning their re-opening and all that it entails. So this is being offered on a 1-2-1 basis. Get in touch with us – and we’ll then get back to you as soon as possible … to discuss how and when we can help. We may be able to provide support by email, over the phone, through a Zoom call – or with a face-to-face visit, suitably distanced in accordance with guidelines. Please email us with your details and we’ll get back in touch as soon as possible.
What will it cover?
This will depend on your current position: you may have a Facebook page and are struggling to manage or understand it. You may be considering a new page – but are unsure of the next steps. That’s why we’re offering this on a 1-2-1 as our experience tells us each request will be different and our responses will need to be tailored to your needs.
When is it being run?
We’re launching this now: the offering will be ongoing – and we will update in a month’s time to look at additional topics and support.
How can I book?
The event is free to those eligible: to register, please email us with your details and we’ll get back in touch as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please call us on 01334 870858 – leave a message with your name, business/organisation together with your telephone number and email address and we will be back in touch as soon as possible.
PowWow Video Tips
Click on the image below to see the presentation we gave in an earlier PowWow on making the best use of video in your company’s social media delivery: this opens a PDF (downloadable) that talks through one particular video platform – InShot – in a step-by-step, page-by-page process to explain the App’s workings. It is a free App … one that we use a great deal in our video creation for CuparNow. Hope it helps.
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