CuparNow: our reopening code of conduct
Thank you to everyone for their amazing backing over recent weeks: our audience has been brilliant – sharing content with friends, family and colleagues to keep everyone posted on what’s happening. The lockdown weeks have proved very testing: the coming weeks will be no less challenging, but for different reasons …
Day by day, businesses are starting to re-open – slowly, but surely. Quite a few have never stopped: in fact, many have stepped up to do more than ever before, adapting their trading to deliver much-needed support for our town and community.
We are already seeing uncertainty over decisions to re-open – and that’s totally understandable. We just want to highlight that, whether large or small, each and every business is made up of people who are doing their very best in difficult circumstances to:
- provide a service to customers
- give much-needed employment to their staff – and
- support livelihoods and deliver much needed economic sustainability for our community as we move forward
We know there will be queues. We know there will be frustrations. We know we will all have continued disruptions to the way we live – but please do all you can to support our town’s businesses. They’re been there for you during the lockdown. Now we all need to be there for them as we enter the recovery stage.
We will do all we can to support everyone on our channels to share the most up to date information we have from businesses in the town – what they are offering, how you can buy their products and services, and (if restrictions persist) how we can all help to support the most vulnerable in and around our town: to that end, we’ve launched this simple code of conduct and we’re asking everyone to give it their seal of approval … thank you!
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