CuparNow shortlisted for UK Digital Impact Award
We are delighted to have been shortlisted for the ‘Digital Impact Award‘ at this year’s Good Retail Awards. The awards celebrate those making a positive impact in the retail industry and will be handed out at the Spring Fair (at Birmingham’s NEC) on the 4th February.
The awards’ website reports: “It’s been fantastic to see so many positive retail initiatives, whether in the form of innovative displays, marketing schemes or omnichannel offerings, or through embracing worthwhile causes in their communities, local areas or via sustainability projects.”
They add: “We’ve been thoroughly impressed by the number of inspirational stories shared … it’s been our privilege (and a real challenge!) to narrow them down to the shortlisted entries.”
CuparNow has been shortlisted for the impact that it has achieved to date – through the 15-month demonstration project that led to a successful ballot of the town’s businesses and organisations before Christmas (2019).
Simon Baldwin of Destination Digital, the company delivering CuparNow, is “delighted” with the news, saying: “We have only just begun, so to have been shortlisted for this prestigious award is great recognition for all of those who have been involved and supportive to date.” Simon adds: “The impact has been significant, but we are adding to what we are delivering. We have this Blog that we know is read by more that 5,000 people across over 60 countries. We are also managing social media channels – including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To these we are adding a dedicated You Tube Channel and – to help with B2B communication – a LinkedIn page.”
Simon explains the importance of the video channel saying: “Creating and sharing videos is a significant part of our work, showcasing businesses, organisations and community partners. In the first year of operating, we generated over 330,000 views on Facebook alone – equal to more than 1,600 hours of viewed time … all promoting the town.”
In addition to the digital channels, CuparNow is also building a database of subscribers – those who are signing up to use the free Wi-Fi in the town centre. Simon adds: “Our Wi-Fi has provided a free service to many thousands since it went live – it is a very inclusive offering that is helping those living and working in Cupar as well as those who visit us. We have more than 700 subscribers who are keen to receive updates from the town – and we will be extending the network and increasing the communication with subscribers to maximise the impact ongoing.”
And there’s more. Soon to be announced will be further work that CuparNow are doing to better engage with youngsters in the town.
Watch this space!
The winners of the Good Retail Awards 2020 will be officially announced at the awards ceremony, taking place at Spring Fair on Tuesday, 4th February 2020 at 4pm.
Thanks for reading!