A more caring Cupar …

Part of CuparNow’s remit is to demonstrate just how improved digital connectivity can best support multiple audiences in our town. Over a number of months, we have championed the work of Ruth McCabe and the the work she is delivering for Dementia Friendly Fife. The project – overseen by Fife Health & Social Care Partnership – exists to train companies and organisations to be ‘dementia friendly’ so they can demonstrate to those affected by dementia that they will receive a warm and understanding welcome.

Since we started featuring the programme, we are delighted more businesses and organisations in Cupar have taken part and won their certificates. We hope this wee update helps to spread the word more …

In the last few weeks, more businesses and organisations in the town have been inspired to go through the training to become Dementia Friendly.

Our MP, Stephen Gethins (pictured below) says: “Thanks to the fantastic Dementia Friendly Communities initiative, the North East Fife constituency office is now one of the first parliamentary offices to become Dementia Friendly. It is great so many businesses and organisations have been undergoing the Dementia Friendly St Andrews Dementia Friends training, which can be done with specially trained advisors or online, and getting to know how we can all be #dementiafriendly.

Just along Bonnygate, Vicki Goddard at Hair Haven has also undergone the training …

On the last Friday in the month, we took time to the meet up with Bob & Anna Farmer – trustees involved in a charity that runs the drop-in centre for carers at St John’s on Bonnygate. We featured their inspirational work in a previous Blog and promised to pop in. We met with their volunteers who were busy in the kitchen – making soup and bacon sandwiches for those arriving for the charity’s lunch.

Bob was kind enough to say a few words about CuparNow, and we very much enjoyed meeting with those who make use of this fantastic facility. It is clear that the charity provides a great service for those able to attend. Hats off to all who make this possible.


Need more?

More details on Ruth McCabe’s work – helping companies and organisations to become ‘Dementia Friendly – together with information to help those affected by Dementia can be found on an earlier Blog via this link.


If you’d like more information on the St John’s Drop-In, please pop in to see them at any of their gatherings or call any of the following:

Anna Farmer on 01334 650326′? | Carolyn Moorefield on 01334 868978.

Thanks for reading!