Blooming Great!
We’re very proud of our town – and all the work so many dedicated volunteers give to our community groups and organisations. None more so than the team behind Cupar in Bloom. This year, they’ve excelled themselves and, as a result, have been shortlisted in Scotland’s Most Beautiful High Street.
Six towns from across Scotland have been shortlisted. Organised by the environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful and national towns agency Scotland’s Towns Partnership, the competition celebrates civic pride in our towns and the groups who come together and work to change their communities for the better: “making local places clean, attractive, accessible, sustainable, vibrant and inclusive for all to enjoy”.
Each shortlisted town – Cupar, Denny, Inverurie, Jedburgh, Linlithgow and Turriff – was selected by judges from STP and KSB amid a field of very high quality entries, each of which was commended for the positive work being undertaken in the community.
The winner will be decided by an online public vote. Voting closes at midnight on Wednesday 31st October, and the results will be announced during Scotland’s Towns Week (19 – 25 November). The winner of the competition will receive national attention and an opportunity to present their work at a high profile event with town and policy stakeholders.
Phil Prentice, Chief Officer of Scotland’s Towns Partnership, said of this year’s competition: ‘Now in its second year, we’re excited to be on the hunt for Scotland’s Most Beautiful High Street once more‘. Phil adds: ‘Scotland’s Towns and smaller settlements account for 70% of our population. Aside from their significant economic contribution in terms of commerce and employment, they provide a living record of our history and heritage. We need to celebrate our towns and empower our communities to ensure that Scotland’s towns remain vibrant and continue to play a vital role in our nation’s future.‘
Pete Leonard, Operations Director at Keep Scotland Beautiful, commented: ‘A flourishing high street is a symbol of an active, engaged community. We know that good quality environments are good for businesses. We also know that working together, we can all enjoy cleaner, greener and more sustainable spaces’.
Here’s what Cupar in Bloom submitted …
Cupar in Bloom, would like to nominate the Royal Burgh of Cupar which dates back to the 14th Century and has, at its heart, our Mercat Cross at the junction with St Catherine Street, Crossgate and Bonnygate (Photo 1). St Catherine Street links our beautiful Haugh Park with its well-appointed playpark, exercise area, riverside walk, bandstand and War Memorial – affectionately known as ‘The Angel’ (Photo 2) and also features the historic County Buildings, recently restored Burgh Chambers and the Corn Exchange. To the south of the Mercat Cross is the Crossgate, which hosts monthly farmers markets, the annual Christmas Lights switch-on and leads on to a pedestrian community space with floral displays and seating well used by locals and visitors alike.
Fife Council and Cupar in Bloom worked together this year for the Glow for Gold Campaign, as reflected in the colour scheme for the Council themed beds in the Haugh Park and Cupar in Bloom’s 160 hanging baskets. Cupar in Bloom also maintain the planting at Cupar Railway Station which includes a Heritage Garden with sustainable planting and a small ‘help yourself’ herb bed. A hat trick of awards, (Gold, Best Medium Town and Horticultural Achievement) were won at the Beautiful Fife Competition by the group.
Cupar has many strong community groups such as local Scouts, Guides etc, the ‘Y’ Young Gardeners Club, Cupar Rotary Club, Sustainable Cupar, CDT, Cupar Heritage as well as active primaries, and the secondary school hosting an annual ECO day in which the local SEN school participates. The townspeople are always supportive of any group which holds events in the town, anything from the annual duck race to apple pressing. Cuparians are a great bunch and they love their town!
Please vote for Cupar via this link!
Thanks for reading!