The Fife Forum is Back!

As the weeks go by, we are hearing that many community groups have struggled to regroup after the last two years. One such organisation is the Fife Forum (Cupar) that operates under the auspices of Fife Council. Dorothy McIntosh, Secretary, got in touch to ask us to share the following …

“We function as a local pressure group for the elderly.

At lockdown, we were a club of 120 members. Our Keep Fit Class held each Monday morning was hugely popular, as were our monthly information giving / entertainments and social gatherings, coach trips, and Christmas lunch.

We are agreed that now – more than ever – our presence as a club is needed to help the elderly community back on its feet.

We commence with an AGM meeting on Friday 24th June at 2.00 in Old Parish Church Hall, Kirk Wynd, Cupar in an attempt to recruit committee members as some of us wish to stand down and vacancies have occurred following Covid lockdown.

As you are no doubt aware, people shy away from AGM meetings to avoid joining committees but we desperately need a functioning committee to continue.”


Need more?

A group of people aged 55+ from the Cupar and district who meet on a monthly basis. Different from many other pensioners’ groups, the Forum is an action group as well as a social group/club campaigning for better rights, services and facilities for local older people. The group tackles many issues, including housing, transport, home care, poverty etc.

The group’s purposes are:

  1. The prevention or relief of poverty
  2. The advancement of education
  3. The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

The group meets on the last Friday of the month at 2.00 p.m. in the Old Parish Church Hall, Kirk Wynd, Cupar.

They come under the umbrella of Fife Forum which provides information and advice on various issues.


Interested in joining?

You can contact Dorothy McIntosh on 01334 650301 or 07714278511 … or drop her an email via this link.

Thanks for reading.