Almost there! Tarvit Woodland Park Update

In March of last year (2019), we shared an update from Mairi Lumsden of the Tarvit Woodland Park Development Group. They were campaigning hard to get support to help them in their fund raising and had just notched up 30,000 towards their target of 113,000. Thanks to the help and generosity of many in our community, the finish line is now in sight. We caught up again with Mairi to discover more …

Mairi shared a press release: “Tarvit Woodland Park Development Group Committee are absolutely delighted to announce that Fife Environmental Trust has recently awarded a grant for 50,000 towards the purchase of new play equipment for Tarvit Park.

That support has been a game changer for the campaign and now brings their total to an incredible 127,496. Mairi exaplins that this amount has been reached with the help of multiple partners including Fife Environmental Trust, SUEZ Trust, Kingdom Housing Association, Fife Council, Kingdom FM Kids, Local Community Planning, Cupar Common Good, Campion Homes, Cupar Cup, ASDA, Scots Roofing, the committee’s own fundraising events as well as local donations.

The final push!

The Committee are on their final push, needing just 7,000. Mairi says: “If anyone is able and wishes to donate, please do. This will help to make such a huge difference to so many children and families.

Just click on the image below to access the Group’s fund raiser page on Facebook. All donations are very much appreciated.

And there’s more!

The second piece of the group’s news is that the Committee can announce that the new play equipment for Tarvit’s Play Park is due to be installed this September – subject to Covid-19 restrictions.

Mairi adds: “It has been an extremely long process and the Committee would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone that has supported us throughout this journey.”

An “extra special massive ‘thank you’ goes to both to Councillor Margaret Kennedy, who has been an absolute star, providing help, support and guidance throughout this whole process, and to Alan Bisset of Fife Council, who, sadly, is no longer with us but who did an absolutely amazing job of overseeing this project from the beginning, providing help and support all the way through the stages of our journey to its current success. He will be sorely missed.


Thanks for reading.