#InstaCupar … your chance to win!

CuparNow is teaming up with Cupar’s Youth Cafe to launch a competition that will see photos taken by youngster in town (aged 13+) sharing photos on Instagram that best represents Cupar in their eyes.

The competition launches at the Youth cafe’s ‘2019 Year to Shine’ event …


Gemma Frail, Youth Cafe Co-ordinator, welcomes the partnership with CuparNow saying: ‘It is great to see an organisation that’s unifying the town’s digital and social channels to enable our community to better engage and interact. The Instagram competition is a fantastic initiative to provide a showcase of images taken by youngsters in Cupar – whether they live in the town or are visiting.

Simon Baldwin of Destination Digital, the company delivering the CuparNow project, adds: “We’re delighted to be working with Cupar’s Youth Cafe. Gemma and the team deliver a huge range of activities for youngsters in the town. We’re aware just how important digital engagement is – and wanted to run an initiative that is built on creativity. The #InstaCupar competition is designed to bring out the creative flare by allowing all those who are 13+ to take and share photos of how they see Cupar … the people, the places, the things that catch their eye.

As for the competition, Simon explains: “There’s no age groups for entries – just 13+ as the minimum age required as that Instagram’s own page rule. Entries must tag any photos with #InstaCupar for us to see the photos being shared – and we will share entries on our own page.” He adds: “Prizes for the competition are being provided by businesses in town – and we’ll be sharing news on these as the competition progresses. Our plan, depending on the number of tagged entries, will be to run an exhibition of some entries in the Easter holidays. Again, we’ll keep everyone updated via this Blog as well as on our social media channels – Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.



Here’s the small print! Entries must be from those with an Instagram account (aged 13+). Entries must tag #InstaCupar on their images shared. There’s no restriction on the number of images entered. The competition will close on 31st Marsh 2019. Judging will take place in April 2019 with winners being announced on this Blog, our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages by the end of April 2019. Any winning entries agree for their images to be used in future promotional activity by CuparNow and their partners. Any winners agree that, if requested, they take part in resulting publicity/media coverage. The parents/guardians of any entrants under 18 years of age (at the close of the competition) will be asked to give their consent for their children to be included in resulting publicity/media coverage. Entry is deemed as acceptance of these terms.

Entries will be judged by a panel in April over the Easter holidays with the winners announced by the end of April.

Tag #InstaCupar to enter

CuparNow on Instagram

Thanks for reading!