News from Cupar’s Development Trust
Cupar Development Trust has had a very busy 12 months – and their latest newsletter brings all up to speed on their ‘Cupar Ward with Monimail Community Council Local Place Plan‘. They have completed the process of the full statutory consultation and submission to Fife Council. We spoke with the Trust’s Administration Officer, Ian Sloan, to discover more …
The Trust is rightly proud of the high level of public support for the proposals in the Local Place Plan. Ian says: “We are now committed to taking them forward over the coming months – and years.” Many of the projects involve extensive collaboration with other local organisations and, as Ian explains: “We will be working hard to support them as they begin to make detailed plans and funding applications.”
The Trust is especially proud incorporate suggestions made by local young people during their recent Youth Charrette (November 2023). Some of the proposals come directly from their ideas and feedback. Those interested can view and read the Charrette via this link.
Proposals with Community Benefit
There are 49 proposals featured in the Plan and all are designed to improve Cupar and the wider area for residents, businesses and visitors. The Trust has also started work on many of the ideas that were borne out of the Cupar & Country Community Action Plan.
COMMUNITY CINEMA: the trust took on board the overwhelming public responses that more evening entertainment was needed for younger people and to support the evening economy for local businesses. More on this is published via a separate Blog story that you can read by clicking on the image below:
SUPPORT FOR VILLAGE HALLS: a priority area from the Community Action Plan as the Trust recognises the important part local halls have to play in providing social, recreational and welfare support within our community. They have been working with various Village Halls through the submission of the Local Place Plan, and are offering support and advice where needed. The Trust’s Development Officer, Anja Armstrong, has prepared a list of potential funding sources for village halls looking to fund repairs and upgrades – this is available on request. If you know of a hall needing any support or advice, please do get in touch with Anja via email on this link.
SUPPORT FOR LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS: CDT is also working on plans to support local community groups and help them build capacity. One suggestion being considered is looking for funding for training courses for volunteers. If your voluntary community group would benefit from training such as first aid, food hygiene, health and safety training etc please get in touch with Ian and let the Trust know more details about your requirements.
You can click on the image below to open the CuparNow Community Directory listing 90 plus associations, clubs, groups, organisations and societies: it you’re not on it – let us know!
ACTIVE TRAVEL ROUTES: the Trust has started working on the various active travel routes features in the Local Place Plan, and submitted evidence to the Fife Council Active Travel Strategy Consultation in February. They are hoping to push forward as soon as possible.
TIDYING UP CUPAR TOWN CENTRE: Plans are now underway for a project called the Big Cupar Tidy, spearheaded by CDT, to tidy up Cupar’s Town Centre – and make it more pleasant and enticing for shoppers and residents. The Trust is working with contacts in Fife Council to form a plan of action to get the streets, bus shelters and road signs deep cleaned, remove weeds, clear out guttering, remove vegetation on roofs and investigate enhanced litter bin provision. During June they will be hosting a meeting of local property owners to discuss the plans. The Big Cupar Tidy is planned for the beginning of September. They may be looking for volunteers to help with litter picking, planting up planters and other small tasks, and more information will be published soon.
A NEW, LARGER CUPAR RECYCLING CENTRE: One of the top 3 priority Community Action Plan projects as voted by the public was for a new, larger Cupar recycling centre. CDT took on board comments that the present recycling center is too small, with limited capacity and opening hours. One of the proposals in the Local Place Plan is for a new Cupar Re-use and Recycling Hub – a single site where people can bring unwanted items for reuse and recycling. The Trust is making plans for a new and bigger site with pedestrian and public transport access and that will have longer opening hours and may also have a retail unit for refurbished items. It is hoped that new training and employment opportunities will be offered by the new hub. Representatives of CDT recently attended a meeting with Fife Council and local re-use organsiations to discuss initial plans. Ian explains: “The meeting went very well, with all attendees very supportive of a new Cupar hub, and a follow-up meeting is planned for late 2024. CDT has also written to Fife Council Planning Department urging them to consider a suitable site for the new recycling hub as they consider the proposals for the Cupar North Strategic Development. We will continue to press forward with making plans for a new sector-leading Recycling and Re-use Hub for Cupar.”
Need more?
CDT was set up in 2015 to promote and coordinate change for the benefit of Cupar & District – defined as postcodes KY15 and KY14 and the entire catchment area of Bell Baxter High School and its feeder primary schools.
You can read much more on the Trust, the people involved and their work via our Blog: just click on the image below.
Thanks for reading!