A Survey on Polling Places

Fife Council is asking for your help as part of a review of polling districts and polling places.

Local authorities are required to carry out regular reviews in accordance with the Representation of the People Act 1983. The last review was completed in 2019. Now another review is being held and this is your chance to give your feedback …

The scope does not cover UK Parliament or Scottish Parliament constituency or local government ward boundaries. These are set by the Boundary Commission for Scotland and not the Council. Any comments on the Council’s current polling arrangements, along with suggestions for alternative arrangements, are welcomed from all interested parties. This includes any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability.

Closing date for representations to be received – 5pm on Friday 14th February 2025

Take the survey …

Click on the map below to open a link to the survey and feel free to share with all who might be interested.

Need more?

The current local government boundaries were introduced for the 2007 local government elections. There are twenty-two wards within the Fife local government area.

The Returning Officer has delegated authority to make changes to the polling scheme in the run up to any major statutory election, where scheme venues are unavailable for use.

The Returning Officer holds a portfolio of detailed accessibility checklists of many of the polling places. These hold comprehensive information including many photographs of the polling places in use in Fife. The Returning Officer’s team is currently working towards holding detailed checklists of all polling venues. Copies of the Returning Officer accessibility checklists are available for inspection on weekdays during office hours at Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 5LT by appointment only.

As part of the on-going commitment to ensure that electors in Fife have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable and that polling places are accessible to electors who are disabled, the Returning Officer reviews the polling arrangements prior to every major election and requires Polling Station Inspectors to complete an accessibility assessment of polling places on polling day.

The findings of these assessments are considered by the Returning Officer as part of the evaluation of each electoral event and where necessary changes are implemented to improve accessibility for future elections.


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