Platinum Jubilee Quiz – Part 4

We thought it would be fun to have a quiz to help us celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. In fact, we’ve ended up with six quizzes in total! When you are at the park, look for the Quiz QR codes. You’ll find one at the bandstand and the remaining at five dress displays.

We are very grateful to Fiona Dewar and Mairi Lumsden who have been instrumental in the small army of volunteers to help deliver the Picnic in The Park event. Mairi has created this section of the quiz for us to share.

It is just for fun, no prizes … just the satisfaction of knowing you are a great quizzer! They’ve been put together with the best knowledge that they are true to fact.

The Black Ball Gown Quiz

How Long Does It Take For Things to Decompose?

  1. Crisp Packets
  2. Cereal Boxes
  3. Plastic Bags
  4. Toilet Roll
  5. Plastic Bottles
  6. Whole Banana Skin
  7. Batteries
  8. Aluminium Cans
  9. Paper Towels
  10. Glass

We will post the answers to these questions via this page after the Jubilee event – so check back to see how you have done!


Thanks for having a go!