Dementia Activist Week

This week has been designated by the Life Changes Trust as Dementia Activist Week and there are a number of events planned that will help and support those who are living with dementia in and around Cupar. We caught up with Ruth McCabe at Dementia Friendly Fife to find our more …

A DVD has been made as a tool which is being used by the Dementia Friendly Fife Project. Ruth explains: “The DVD takes the format of a “virtual” dementia friends session. It is particularly powerful as the key points are made through the stories of 3 people living with younger onset dementia.

The film in an hour long so requires an investment in time to watch it, but as Ruth says: “It is worth it for the practical and upbeat messages that it gives.

Dementia continues to be a heavily stigmatised condition where the general perception is that it only affects older people who become instantly unable to do things on diagnosis. Ruth says: “The people featured in the DVD are all under 65. The messages they give are relevant to anyone of any age.

The DVD will be of most use to people who are:

  • worried that they may have dementia and are reluctant to be tested
  • being tested and going through the process of being diagnosed and those who are living in the early stages of the condition

The messages given are realistic about the challenges of living with the condition but are overwhelmingly positive that with the right attitude and the support of families, friends and the community then people can live a normal and productive life, especially in the early stages of the illness.

Ruth says: “I also hope that the DVD can be used by individuals and organisations to become dementia friendly. Some of the learning from the Dementia Friendly Fife Project to date is that it can be very difficult to get groups of people together for the hour long face to face dementia friends training session. With the restrictions on groups now in place because of COVD then the DVD can be used by individuals at home safely in their own space and at their pace.

You can view the content via YouTube by clicking on the image below …


All content and recordings will be hosted on the Life Changes Trust website for future use


Need more?

If anyone any information about dementia or how to become dementia friendly,
please contact or call Ruth on 07341 842567