Six of the best: our Cupar Troopers …

Our Cupar Trooper campaign has generated some fab comments from many of our readers and followers – all keen to highlight and thank those who have gone above and beyond during the lockdown.

In the last couple of weeks, six companies have been mentioned over and over – on our feeds as well as in direct communication with us. We wanted to say ‘thank you’ from CuparNow for their wonderful work in supporting not only their regular customers but by going the extra mile through their own hard work and support for our community … especially for the most vulnerable in and around Cupar.


1B Westport


Minick of Cupar

Premier Cupar

The Courtyard

Two An A Coo


Thank you!

We’d like to say a very special thank you to Luvians Bottle Shop on Bonnygate who very generously gave us the fizz and wee boxes of treats for each recipient – and to Elizabeth at Brodies Blooms & Gifts who made up six beautiful bouquets for the Troopers.

These six join other Cupar Troopers – including Audrey at Paterson Fruit Fayre who was one of our first. We’re also highlighting individuals who are doing amazing work in supporting others in the town including Michael Fyffe at Community in Cupar and eight year old Lyle McKelvie who climbed a Munro in a day on his stairs to raise money for Cupar’s Food Bank.

Do you know a Cupar Trooper?

If there’s someone in your group of friends or family who deserves a pat on the back to recognise their work in our community, please let us know. Just email us via this link together with their name and what they’ve been doing to help those in and around our town. Don’t forget to give us your name and number so we can follow it up. Thanks!


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